A New Definition of Wealth

Widening Wealth Gap Services are being automated and globalized. Robots and drones are replacing human jobs. New technologies make old technologies, and the corresponding jobs, irrelevant. In this environment, the wealthy and skilled have more opportunity to multiply their wealth and widen the gap between the poor. For example, with money, the wealthy can use … Read more

6 Ways Stoicism Applies to Entrepreneurship

I just finished reading a really awesome book about a philosophy called Stoicism. I’ve heard that Stoicism is practiced by several successful entrepreneurs. I like and agree with a lot of what Stoics recommend for achieving happiness and living life. Below are six sets of Stoic beliefs and how they translate to entrepreneurship. Appreciation & … Read more

9 Factors for evaluating business ideas and opportunities

Since I was a kid I’ve been looking for new business ideas. In middle school I even started vending machine product wholesaling business hah. As I’ve grown older (and wiser ha) I’ve learned to screen and evaluate opportunities more effectively. Different people will have different criteria depending on things like risk tolerance, career goals, budget, … Read more

Why I stopped watching the news

Update 2/7/18: I replaced the article that originally lived on this page (“Why I stopped watching the news”) with an article I wrote more recently. The updated article below was originally titled “Staying Sane in an Insane World.” It was published on Medium on December 14th, 2016 – shortly after the 2016 Presidential Election.  About … Read more