How to Not Care

Caring too much about unimportant things is a waste of time and energy. Not only that, it’s often counterproductive. It can psyche you out. Like when you’re giving a presentation. You want to be prepared, but not obsessed with the outcome to the point where …

Personal Development

finding my passion

What is My Passion is The Wrong Question

A personal development guru on the Internet once told me that finding my passion was the key to success in life. He told me that I wouldn’t amount to shit unless could answer the all powerful question, “what is my passion?” Naturally, since I believe everything I …

Personal Development

Overcoming Anxiety: How To Handle Stress Naturally

Have you ever felt so stressed you couldn’t move? Have you had anxiety that stays with you even after you’ve tried really hard to overcome it? Overcoming anxiety is an innate part of being human. Some people experience a “base-state” anxiety almost all day, every day. …

Personal Development

The Buddha Elon Musk Paradox

Should I save up some money and just move to Thailand? Chill out and lay on the beach like Buddha? Is that the meaning of life? Is that how I’ll find true happiness? Or, should I be like Elon Musk and hustle hard? Start companies, …

Personal Development

fuel the brain

15 Ways to Fuel the Brain Naturally

There are millions of pills and supplements on the market today. They claim to do everything from curing anxiety to building muscles to fueling the brain. The problem is most of them them have horrible side affects, don’t address underlying causes, don’t work over the …

HealthPersonal Development

John Wooden: Success Is Becoming the Best That You Are Capable of Being

John Wooden won 10 national championships in a 12-year stretch as the head coach of the UCLA basketball team. However, he wasn’t always successful. Prior to UCLA, Wooden had only two conference championship seasons in 18 years. Through consistent application of the philosophies he shares …

BooksPersonal Development

how to stop worrying

4x Your Earnings with These 4 Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies

Conversion rate optimization isn’t something I haven’t covered a whole lot on this blog. But it’s critical to achieving success as a marketer. After all, our goal is not just to drive traffic, it’s to make money! That’s why I’m super excited to share this …

Content Marketing

what is my passion

Automated Outbound Lead Generation: The Complete Guide

Acquiring customers is one the hardest parts of almost any business. I’ve written a lot about content marketing on this site, but there’s another strategy that can deliver some incredible results… In this guest post, Dan Englander shares all his secrets of how to automate …

Content Marketing

9 Technical and On-Page SEO Wins From My SEO Audit

With almost 12 billion searches being made on Google (and that’s just a portion of the market) for content, products, and services on Google each year, it’s clear how search engine optimization could reap rewards for most any business. Where in the pecking order a …

Content Marketing

The 4 Customer Development Questions I Use to Create Better Content

It doesn’t matter how well-written or flashy your content is, if it isn’t striking a chord deep within your readers, you might as well be on stage singing your heart out to an empty theater. Each day the internet becomes more flooded as more and …

Content MarketingCustomer Development